MARCH 3, 2018, 8 am - 1 pm
Donations will be accepted only from Sunday, Feb 25 to Wednesday, Feb 28 in Fellowship Hall from 9 am - 2pm.
Giant Garage Sale Donations
Donations will be accepted ONLY on Sunday - Wednesday February 25th - 28th in Fellowship Hall from 9 am- 2pm. Please note changes from previous years.
To schedule pick ups for large item, please call Kathy Wood 941- 492-4851
Church members wearing thier name tags will be able to pre-shop on Thursday, March 1st from 9AM 1PM. Closed on Friday.
Buddy Break Bake Sale
Please deliver baked goods to the Fellowship Hall before noon on Friday March 2nd for packaging and pricing.
Thank you all for your participation! It couldn't happen without you!