Dr. Robert G. Robinson, Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Univ. Iowa Hospital, author/editor of 10 books and 360 research publications, will be giving a series of five, one-hour lectures during Jan. and Feb. on “Late Life CognitiveImpairment”. Lectures will be at VPC beginning Jan. 29 at 2 PM. The first lecture is “Trouble Remembering? Is It Normal or Disorder? The subsequent lectures will be on February 5, 12, 19, and 26. There is no charge and the public is invited. Dr. Robinson winters in Venice and attends VPC. This series is sponsored by Stephen Ministry at VPC.
Normal course of brain development and effects of normal aging
How is mild cognitive impairment (MCI) differentiated from normal changes with age
What to do if you think you have MCI
What causes MCI
What are the current treatments for MCI
What are the early signs age of onset and symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)
How is AD identified and diagnosed
What are the known causes of AD
What are the best available treatments and care
There are numerous types of dementia in the elderly
What are the ages of onset for these dementias
What are the symptoms of these dementias and how are they diagnosed
What are the causes of these dementias
What are the most effective treatments for these dementias
What is the data about the care of patients with different forms of dementia
What are the most difficult problems that caregivers face for each dementia
What are the consequences of being a caregiver
How can caregivers be helped
What is the life expectancy for each type of dementia
What is the usual course of grief after the loss of someone with dementia
How can caregivers best cope with their grief
What is pathological grief and how to recognize it
Suggestions for dealing with loss and treating abnormal grief
Presented by Stephen Ministers